Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Last Day

 It's the last day of 2024, and I'm taking a moment to sit in gratitude for all that has come to fruition this year. Promises kept, obligations met, beauty embraced, and a whole lot ahead of me that I hope to meet with grace. The world is full of suffering, and also full of comfort and gentle strength. We find ourselves, as a family, in ease which we never anticipated. I think it's probably to prepare us for the work we need to do next, and I am grateful both for this ease and for the work of the future. I think it will be worthy work.

I have struggled this year, and many years, with what others think of me and how they see both my character and my actions (or, in some cases, lack thereof). I am getting more comfortable with simply doing the work I'm meant to do and letting everything else - opinions, judgments, even praise - fall as it may. The important thing is the work. Internal and external.

In 2025, may I be a blessing. Amen.