Sunday, September 1, 2024

To Catch You Up




Well, I just walked away and left this, didn't I? It wasn't intentional, or at least being away this long wasn't intentional. Life proceeded with such demands that this didn't make the list of things to do, or sometimes even what I'd like to do, most of the time. These past four years have been full of meeting needs, adjusting to changes, addressing the gap between expectation and reality, and finally, figuring out how to take care of myself a bit better.

In our family, the person who has the most acute and urgent need gets the attention, and most often it wasn't me. Having had to learn somewhat early in life how to just carry on whether I liked it or not, I have kept doing that. And while it serves me well most of the time, it also leaves some gaps. All this care of and for others, and who was going to take care of me? Well, mostly me, and sometimes not so well. Between my last post and now, I have shepherded one child through GCSEs* as a home educator, settled two into school, and looked after my family in every possible way. By the time 2024 hit, I felt a little bit done with a lot of things, prompting the thought that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't doing anyone any favours by doing things that shouldn't be mine to do. I've been scraping things off my proverbial plate ever since, and I feel better. It's still a work in progress, but I'm trying.

So here is where I am today: in a house we have bought (with a mortgage of course), absolutely delighted by decorating it however I want, no landlord permission required, and incredibly grateful for the people who do the tasks I cannot do in order to bring my vision to life. I have the kitchen of my dreams and a carousel camel in the back garden that I am scraping paint off of whenever I get a moment. This has been the greatest surprise and delight of this phase of adulthood. We've been in London ten years now, and it feels wonderful to have settled into our life here in this way.

I am no longer home educating (er, mostly). Z passed all her GCSEs* and is about to embark on her second year of college** whilst finishing up an Art & Design BTec*** with my, ahem, encouragement. It was clear that E needed things both socially and educationally that I could not provide through home ed, so she is settled into secondary school. There is a lot I find to be troublesome about the current system in place, but it's the best of the imperfect choices available to us, so I am trying to look on the bright side, despite feeling quite strongly that fifteen classes is too many classes for tweens. What's good is very good, so we will just take it.

I am still running a cat sitting business, which I have shrunk deliberately by not replacing clients who no longer need my services. I still love all the cats, but if I am honest, I'd love to be done with it entirely. However, it's nice to make a bit of an income to supplement our DIY budget. We are incredibly lucky that J's salary is enough for all four of us to live on. I honestly don't know what we'd do if we both had to work full time - it would be absolute mayhem. Whenever I feel tempted to complain about how busy I am, I check myself, because I am in no way truly suffering.

At church I remain the parish council secretary. I have no idea if I have mentioned having the job before, but it has led to acquiring more jobs along the way (all as a volunteer, of course), including being in charge of camp paperwork. I am happy to put some of the time I have to use in this way, and in terms of camp, I am very happy that I can do paperwork as opposed to living in a tent for eight days and cooking outdoors for thirty children. I love planning things, and I am already scheming for how to get everyone to turn in their paperwork more or less on time next year. (Feel free to laugh; we all know how this goes.)

I am, on the whole, content. It has been a surprise to find that this season of life offers a bit more ease than I have been used to. I am still busy in a lot of ways, for sure, but the pace and effort is not so frantic. I am grateful for that. Long may it continue.

*Please google this; I am not prioritising telling people individually at this time.

**This is the British meaning of the word college, which is not the same as university.

***Please also google this, for the same reason I'd like you to google GCSEs.

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