Friday, October 5, 2018

Things I Made With Green Tomatoes, a List

Every single tomato - green and otherwise - that I picked has now been made into something else. While I wouldn't call it a herculean effort, it was certainly a sustained effort, and the lack of effort for most other things* shows. But I can catch up on those things later. For now, there will be no tomatoes rotting in my kitchen because I gave up on figuring out what I could do with them. Here is what I came up with:

  • Green tomato, apple, & mango chutney (good, will be happy to use it and give it to others)
  • Green tomato, apple, and sultana chutney (amaaaaaazing - I ate some plain)
  • Green tomato pasta sauce (smelled fantastic but tasted awful, went straight to the compost bin - I might have been able to salvage it by sweetening it a bit, but I didn't have the time to mess with it)
  • Green tomato and onion chutney (the replacement for a second batch of pasta sauce, a solid effort that would be perfect for frittatas - if only my family liked frittatas)
  • Slow cooker green tomato salsa (not yet done, but there's a lot of it, so I hope it turns out okay)

And if you're wondering if I also made the banana bread I mentioned in yesterday's post, the answer is yes. I made two loaves, and we ate half of one for lunch. Then I mixed up some cookie dough, because if I'm taking things to the next level, I may as well include something into which I can dump some M&M's. (They were on sale. I couldn't help myself.) I'll bake the cookies tomorrow. For now, I'm done. 100%, without a doubt, DONE.

I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.

*We did some homeschool lessons and everyone got to eat plenty, but that's about it. Please don't show up at my house unannounced...unless you want to clean and organise and do laundry.

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